Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sultanate of Oman Military

Oman's armed forces, including Royal Household troops foreign personnel numbered 41,700 in 2002. The army had 25,000 personnel equipped with over 100 main battle tanks and 37 Scorpion tanks. The air force of 4,100 operates 40 combat aircraft. The navy numbers 4,200 with 13 patrol and coastal combatants. Paramilitary includes the Tribal Home Guard (Firqats) of 4,000 organized in small tribal teams, a police coast guard of 400, and a small police air wing. The elite Royal Household brigade, naval unit, and air unit number 6,400, including 2 special forces regiments. In 2001 Oman spent $2.4 billion on defense or 12.2% of GDP.The greater number of the troops are mercenaries from the Mekran coast of Gwadar which was under Oman till 1955. However under a deal the people can be recruited into the Omanese army.